The Original Water-Based Cleaning System

Rexair LLC, based in Troy, Michigan, has manufactured the Rainbow Cleaning System for more than 80 years. Its legendary, water-based filtration system has made the Rainbow known the world over. Today, the Rainbow Cleaning System is sold and enjoyed in over 80 countries around the world.

In the Beginning

The original idea for a bagless vacuum cleaner was born in the 1920s. John W. Newcombe invented the “separator” — a device that was designed to separate dust and particulates from the air. Leslie H. Green saw true potential in this invention and joined forces with Newcombe to develop the “Newcombe Bagless.”

In 1929, Green formed a new corporation named Rexair, meaning “King of the Air.” While the nation was in the throes of the Great Depression, the Rexair Company began producing, refining and marketing the Rexair Cleaner.